Plants should be watered to have a moist root ball
Dig planting hole only to accommodate root ball, place loose soil close by
Adjust hole depth to have top of root ball match adjacent ground
Un pot and insert plant
note plastic pots are tapered, making it easy to un pot
tip upside down with spread fingers around the plant to hold root ball
tap the pot rim upward
No soil amendments or fertilizers
Backfill with soil dug out, press with thumbs to compact, exclude air
Form a basin around the plant to hold water and aid in irrigation
Water to soak and flood the basin
Add mulch around plant to conserve moisture, reduce weeds, keep mulch clear of plant trunk/stem
Establishment - Water deeply and only when root ball at top 2” is dry (once or twice per week, less frequent in winter with cool temps and rain)
Continue through establishment period until next summer
Add no fertilizers or pesticides
Maintenance after Establishment Period
Less is usually better
Most drought tolerant native plants do not need watering in summer
Water only to keep hydrated in summer
Weed and add mulch as needed
Leave dead flowers with seed for birds, some cutting back can encourage more flowers
Cut back dead vegetation and prune to maintain compact size in fall
Milkweed goes dormant in winter, mark locations with stakes or flags, wait for re growth in spring. It may help to grow Milkweed in groups with plants spaced 18” - 24”. It will take about two growing seasons for plants to be large enough to attract Monarch butterflies.
Purple Sage plants are lightly rooted. It may be best to hold up planting in your garden for about 1 month.